This is the current view of the back of our house
Here is the current view of the front of our house
These are the floor trusses where the main floor will be, looking down into the basement.
Our roof trusses are ready and waiting!
We had a bit of a scare Wednesday night. Aubree came running in the house to tell me that Dad fell down and got hurt. So I ran outside to see if he was o.k. When I asked him what happened, he told me that he was standing on the six inch ledge of the cold storage room with a 9 foot drop into the cold storage room on one side of the ledge and also a 9 foot drop into the basement on the other side. Well, he had been carrying a truss when he lost his balance and started to fall. When he saw that he was going to fall, he decided to hold on to the truss hoping that it would catch on the top of the wall and that he could hang on to that instead of falling 9 feet. That's just what happened, but while that happened, he ended up scraping his side on the truss as he fell.
Wow! Its looking great Hannah! I bet you are so excited to see all the work being done. And Ouch! Does Brett need Marc to come out a help him? Or maybe they both would be in that sort of shape...can Brett get Aflack for Marc too!!!
Okay, I just realized that Marc was signed into Blogger so that comment really came from me.
Hannah, it is looking so good! And I am so glad nothing more serious happened to Brett. We've had Aflac before and it is awesome!! Make sure you get it for you before you get pregnant again--you get like $3700 cash. Since we had other insurance, we actually made money when Jake was born!
Your house is looking great!!! I am so excited for you guys! that will so nice to be in your home and just enjoy! what a blessing. Speaking of blessings I am sure glad that Brett is okay, that is so scary! He NEEDS TO BE CAREFUL!! Insurance is good but for heavens sake!! That would have scared me so bad I would make sure that he was padded or something :) Well hope no more scary accidents happen!
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